For some of you pregnancy has come easily and for others it has been quite a journey. This is just the beginning. During pregnancy and lactation it is especially important to maintain your health using natural remedies.
I am passionate about helping couples conceive and supporting women throughout pregnancy, educating and empowering them to have an active birth (if they wish) and a smooth transition into motherhood.
Many issues can be prevented and if something does arise it can be successfully treated with natural remedies.
Supporting a healthy pregnancy
The majority of the women I see for Preconception health care continue to see me throughout their pregnancy. Pregnancy is a perfectly normal event (for most), another stage in a woman’s life and it is not necessary to suffer or be ill in order to have a child. I have carried 4 babies myself (including a set of twins) breastfed all of them and supported them into adulthood naturally.
Knowledge is power. Become informed about ways to enhance your health and your baby’s development during pregnancy. Many problems encountered during pregnancy can easily and safely be treated with herbs, nutrients, diet and exercise. If there is something I can’t help you with I have access to a range of skilled, qualified and trusted practitioners I regularly refer to.
What I can support you with
Nausea and hyperemesis
Diet – healthy weight gain during pregnancy
Prevention and treatment of gestational diabetes
Prevention of hypertension
Back pain
Sleep problems
Leg cramps
Fluid retention
Prevention and treatment of Candida
How to reduce the chance of your children having allergies
Environmental toxins to avoid whilst pregnant
Immune support – prevention is best. Safe, natural treatment is available to avoid pharmaceutical drugs.
Ensuring healthy nutrient levels throughout pregnancy will decrease the chances of common pregnancy symptoms and prevent post partum problems. Testing and treatment is encouraged each trimester.
Regular Reflexology especially in the 3rd trimester not only helps alleviate some of these symptoms but has been shown to help the duration and problems of labour. Studies have been conducted in the UK regarding Reflexology in maternity care with outstanding results. Women who receive regular reflexology sessions throughout their pregnancy have shorter more effective labours, less intervention and better birth outcomes. Reflexology can also be used for stress relief and relaxation and helps with common symptoms associated with pregnancy including:
Fluid retention
Back pain
Labour preparation
Birth options - Which birth is for you? What is a “natural” birth?
Choosing your team and making a birth plan
Managing stress and pain for an easier birth
Making decisions about medical management
Natural remedies can help with the following conditions:
Breech presentation
Premature birth
Delayed labour
Preparation for labour
Anxiety and depression
Learn which herbs can be used safely to help prepare the uterus for birth.
Labour/Post Partum support for mum and baby:
Recovery after a C section
Post natal depression
Infant constipation, reflux and colic
Sleep issues
Immune support for the neonate
Failure to thrive
Nappy rash, cradle cap
Breastfeeding - the gentle, pain free way
As a Certified Thompson Method Breastfeeding Educator, Rebecca is dedicated to helping women achieve pain-free breastfeeding outcomes through this gentle, evidence-based method. With a completely different approach to the hospital system, this method has helped thousands of women breastfeed without painful complications. Unfortunately, only 15% of women in Australia are breastfeeding past 6 months, although the majority of these women would like to continue breastfeeding. The number one reported reason for women who feel forced to stop breastfeeding, is painful nipple trauma. Founded by Dr Robyn Thompson, an experienced Midwife, with 50 years of experience and a PhD in nipple trauma, the Thompson Method is transforming women’s lives around the world.
Rebecca is now providing breastfeeding education and support to expecting mothers 1:1 and group sessions face to face and online to help them avoid common breastfeeding complications. By becoming well informed during pregnancy, women have the opportunity to avoid common complications such as painful nipples, breast milk supply concerns and a crying, unsettled baby.
The key is to start as early as possible, providing the time and space to create a unique birth and breastfeeding plan. The earlier a woman starts preparing for her birth and breastfeeding journey, the more likely she is to have a gentle, joyful experience…and avoid painful complications. And when things don’t go as planned, it is equally important to understand what she can do to reduce the risk of further complications.
Topics covered in the programme include:
High milk volume, fast flow
Low milk volume and the newborn baby
Attachment issues
“inadequate” weight gain
Delayed breastfeeding
Breast refusal
Breast engorgement and mastitis
Blocked ducts
Nipple thrush/vasospasm/Raynaud’s
Tongue Frenotomy (commonly referred to as tongue or lip tie)
If you are pregnant and would like to learn more about The Thompson Method and Beautiful Breastfeeding Program , click here
To purchase The Thompson Method please click here